All presentations are allocated a certain timeslot. For the timing of the presentations, we kindly like
to refer to the conference program online.
The duration for an oral presentation is 15 minutes + 3 minutes for Q&A.
For invited talks the duration is 30 minutes + 6 minutes for Q&A.
Please keep to this timing! There will be (technical) support helping out with the preparation
of the presentation and the distribution of microphones to the audience.
We kindly ask you not to bring your own laptop, but to bring your presentation on a USB-key,
as a laptop will be provided in all rooms. Changing laptops takes valuable time and might cause technical difficulties.
Please note that there are no Macintosh computers available.
Supported presentation formats are PowerPoint (format 16:9) or PDF.
Please note that presentations should be given in English only.
Presentations can be uploaded during the break before your session in the room where your presentation will take place.
We kindly ask you to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of your session.
Please use this time also to locate and present yourself to the chair of your session so they know you are present and your presentation can be uploaded.
Please double check the timeslot of your presentation, since minor changes are still possible.
To browse through the interactive program, click here. You can change the view in list view or the authors list.
For an overview of the presentations in each session, simply click on the title of the session.
The chair will be the timekeeper. The (technical) support in the auditoria will be in the room the entire time to help you.
In total, there will be two poster sessions on Tuesday 30 May and Thursday 1 June from 05:00 – 08:00 pm, including a reception.
During this designated time, presenters are expected to be present next to their poster for discussion with conference attendees.
The poster sessions will take place in the Jubilee Hall.
Please take our general guidelines into account:
- Poster size = A0 (841 x 1189 mm, or 33,1 x 46,8 inches)
- Poster orientation = portrait (Please note that a poster in landscape format will NOT fit on the panels). The panel size is 1m width and 2m height.
- Attachment materials will be provided for you
- We advise you not to laminate your poster, as this will complicate attachment
- Be sure to include the following elements on your poster:
o the title
o author names, affiliations and e-mail addresses
Your poster should be brought to the conference and not mailed. We do not have any facilities to print your poster on-site.
Presenters are responsible for posting and removing their own materials. All the posters of poster session 1 should be attached to the correct panel on Tuesday 30 May before the lunch break. For poster session 2, all the posters should be attached to the correct panel on Thursday 1 June before the lunch break. On one of the poster panels, we will provide the list with poster numbers. Please look up your poster number, and attach your poster to the panel with the corresponding number.
All posters should be removed at the end of your poster session. For poster session 1 this is Tuesday 30 May before 08:15 pm and for poster session 2 this is Thursday 1 June before 08:15 pm. Posters that have not been removed will not be stored by the organization.